1. Issuance of Certificate for Foreign Travel Authority of Local Government Officials and Employees
2. Request for the Issuance of Certification of Compliance to Full Disclosure Policy (FDP)
3. Request for the Issuance of Department Authority to LGUs to Purchase Vehicle
5. Issuance of Department Authorization to Utilize Additional Confidential Funds of LGUs
7. Request for Barangay Officials Death Benefit Assistance (BODBA)
8. Request for Certification for Service Rendered by Local/Barangay official for Application for CSC Eligibility
9. Request for Technical Assistance (Resource Person)
10. Rendition of Legal Opinion
12. Provision/ Preparation of Position Papers/comments on Congressional Measures
13. Recruitment, Selection and Promotion of 1st and 2nd Level Positions
14. Provision of Public Assistance and Handling of Complaints
15. Disposal of Plant, Properties and Equipment: a) thru Transfer Without Cost and b) thru Public Bidding
16. Request for the Issuance of Certificate of Incumbency of Local Officials